Sunday, July 4, 2010

3D Ministries - Life Shapes

So I'm checking out 3D Ministries and their teaching on "Life Shapes." Good stuff. Really good stuff. I've read about 100 pages of the "semi-circle" book so far. Couldn't have been more appropriate for where I am right now in my life. Wow. Thanks God for letting me know you care. I highly recommend checking this out.
Thanks Tim & Jason for pointing me in the right direction.

1 comment:

  1. This is Aaron from 3DM. I don't know why we haven't commented on your blog yet, but thank you for posting this back in 2010. We are inspired by how peoples lives have been affected by the teachings. Our hope is that the Lifeshapes serve to add a visual to the things that are within scripture. The more ways that we can develop that helps people engage and remember scripture and how God cares, the better.

    If you want more break through you have to check out Building a Discipling Culture in ebook form found on Amazon. Great read!
